Accelerate Objective Moral Values

Christians, it is time to lead.

The world is changing rapidly and is in need of direction. It is no longer okay to be lukewarm.

Virtuous men of conviction and faith are needed as organizational, community, and political leaders. Without them, we are witnessing a rise in anarchy, victimization, and entitlement that sows chaos within our society.

From the boardroom, to the courtroom, in the classroom, and all throughout governments worldwide - a stronghold of evil has uprooted the fabric of safety and trust we depend on to live. Through shame and control, this evil has silenced those who would work to build a more perfect union and usher in God's kingdom on earth. The only way to change that is to change the measure by which we grant our approval.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Proverbs 29:2 (KJV)

Servant Leadership, as exemplified in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is that measure. We must open our eyes and trust our ears to the voice of God within. Righteous leadership is not accepting of the ways of evil. We must stand up and find a place in authority, while choosing leaders who proclaim their faith with conviction. Only then can we begin to trust and support our neighbors with the strength of God's armor.

Only those who are unwavering in their faith will be able to resist the deceit of evil, and the temptations of power. Tough love is doing what our flesh cannot bear and remaining steadfast in the truths of God's word. Courage to rebuke those who would claim God's love to support unrighteous favor is required for victory over evil. Love is not love if it betrays the word of God.

We have accepted the deception of the serpent for too long. We have let the serpent tell us what we should believe as good through shame, intimidation, and intellect. Our desire should not be to judge for ourselves and make claims that appear righteous for the flesh, but to stay vigilant in our faith that truth is given from almighty God and written plainly in the Holy Bible.

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up
Romans 15:1 (KJV)

Christ/acc - by Christians, for the growth of Servant Leadership and sharing of the Good News.